miercuri, 31 martie 2010

workshop pe Mures

Intre 12-18 aprilie, pe malul Muresului, in satul Rastolita din defileul Gurghiu-Calimani, vom investiga rolul apei.
Vom construi obiecte de mobilier folositoare,specifice mediului umed din preajma apei. Amenajari minimale, din lemn, dar si ce mai gasim la fata locului, care obligatoriu vor ramane pe sit, pentru viitorime. Implicam comunitatea si ii lasam sa se bucure de rezultate.

Mai multe pe www.unDAverde.ro, pentru workshop la categoria Actiune!

joi, 11 iunie 2009



EXYZT va propune participarea la un proiect demarat de ei. Proiectul se va materializa la Londra in iulie sub forma unei instalatii comandata de Barbican Gallery cu ocazia expozitiei Radical Nature http://www.barbican.org.uk/artgallery/event-detail.asp?ID=8908 http://www.barbican.org.uk/artgallery/event-detail.asp?ID=9311.

Proiectul, in curs de realizare, se numeste "dalston mill" si reprezinta o moara care va deschide timp de 3 saptamani un nou spatiu public care va oferi un loc unde publicul va avea posibilitatea de a "macina" grau si idei despre oras. Ideea centrala este de a crea un spatiu public viu care sa ofere loc de viata si intalnire locuitorilor, un loc care gazduieste cuvantul public si permite schimbul de cunostinte si indemanari.
Oferta de stagiu sau de participare nu este remunerata dar toate cheltuielile o sa fie asigurate de asociatia organizatoare (cazare, masa si transport). O sa fiti integrati colectivului luand parte la constructia de pe santier sau la organizarea activitatilor programate pentru instalatie. Rolul vostru va fi de asistenti la logistica grupului (trezorier, logistica vietii cotidiene, ajutor la cafeneaua instalatiei) Datele proiectului sunt 1 iulie-6 august 2009.

Contactati-l pe Nikolas pentru mai multe informatii: nicolas.henninger@gmail.com


Vous nous avez sollicité par le passé pour réaliser un stage au sein de notre collectif ( Association de loi 1901 ). Aujourd'hui je reviens vers vous pour vous proposer un participation à un projet.
En effet, nous réalisons en juillet une installation à londres commissionée par la Barbican Gallery à l'occasion de l'exposition Radical Nature http://www.barbican.org.uk/artgallery/event-detail.asp?ID=8908 http://www.barbican.org.uk/artgallery/event-detail.asp?ID=9311.
Le projet, en cours de production, est le "Dalston Mill" un moulin qui ouvrira pour 3 semaines un nouvel espace public et offrira au public la possibilité de moudre du grain et des idées sur la ville Entre le moulin de don quichotte et le moulin à parole .... l'idée centrale est de créer un espace public vivant qui offre un lieu de vie et de rencontre aux habitants, un lieu qui accueille la parole publique et permet d'échanger les connaissances et les savoirs faires.
Notre offre de stage ou de participation est non rémunérée mais tous les frais seront pris en charge par l'association ( logement, repas, voyages ). Vous serez intégrez au collectif pour participer au chantier et à l'activation de la vie de l'installation. Votre role en particulier sera une assistance à la logistique du groupe sur place ( Trésorerie du projet, Logistique de la vie quotidienne, aider au fonctionnement du petit café du moulin ... ). Les dates du projet sont du 1er juiller au 6 Aout 2009.

Si l'aventure vous interresse n'hésitez pas à me contacter pour discuter et avoir de plus amples informations.


( pour le collectif exyzt )
06 98 01 73 96

ps. notre site iinternet est en reconstruction pour le moment .. mais consultable

69, rue d'hauteville
75010 PARIS
// tel // +33 (0) 1 4607 9004
// fax // +33 (0) 1 4770 4969
// cell // +33 (0) 6 9801 7396
// skype // nikloos

miercuri, 27 mai 2009


15/05/2009 - CONCERT

Silviu says: I think the most impresive was the ending with Nicolas speaking romanian and presenting the singing angel called Alexandra. Alexandre you should add that at the end. Great job!

Alexandre says: Of course, it has to be another short film! Here is the rushes...

14/05/2009 - CINEMA

13/05/2009 - PICNIC


Some rushes of the workshop...
Alexandre Callens

miercuri, 6 mai 2009



I added a scketch with my ideea.Hope you won't laugh. I made a scene and some platforms on diferent levels that sugest the town and between you can see the town(Manastur). I'm waiting for suggestions.

Pascalau Mihai

nik comment : No Branding PLEASE ! ;)

luni, 4 mai 2009



I understood that we all have to come with some proposals for the place, maybe sketches, even though i think the ideas will come there, on the site, in the working days.
Silviu, can you tell me which are the materials we have and something more about the frame you said? (may be some dimensions or photos).
Thank you!


ANSWER: Tomorrow I'll make some photos and some mesurements. We will have the possibility to make a podium, I'll buy some wood, some metal pipes, plastic sheets etc.


duminică, 3 mai 2009

scanning the place

walking from south to north, looking west wards to the city.
(sorry for so many posts, I didn`t know exactly how to use the blog (first time...))
Georgi Branea
more, soon

the team

human activites on site

Little time we had to observ, but people do use the place!
Georgi B

site panoramas

Here are some stitch images from the site (thanks for the Compose Editor, it`s really useful!). These are small files - for the hi-res, if you need them, I will try to see how the wonder folder works, but not in the next two days, as I`ll be on the way.
Nice time we had, hope to see you all soon!
Georgiana Branea
here you have the .dwg. file of the site.

Melania Lipan

vineri, 1 mai 2009

New features added

I added some few features:

Cont e-mail / E-mail account - this is the zazorbel@gmail.com common project e-mail account. (you cand send your pictures here if you want everyone to see them)

Fisiere comune / Live Mesh Desktop - this is the place you can upload your files and all of us will be able to access anytime anywhere.
Please read these BEFORE you try to add your stuff:

Program lipit poze / Photo stiching software - this is the software you need to use if you want to create panoramas or just stitch two or more pictures.

For all of them...
account name:
the same one Silviu sent to all of us (contact him if you don't know)

Hi-res panoramas are available on the Live Desktop (see the links above).

joi, 30 aprilie 2009

here are the pictures of the site

miercuri, 29 aprilie 2009

I just foud out that the terrain belongs to the City Hall

There will be a 2 stories high parking. Here are some articles about:



Posted by Silviu Medesan.

PS: Please write your name each time you post.


Nicolas Henninger-

1.Valentina Buz -an IV - Oradea valentinabuz@yahoo.com

2.Alexandru Fleseriu -anV - Cluj alexandrufleseriu@yahoo.com

3.Mircea Terec -liceu- clasa a XI-a - Cluj (Colegiul National ,,Emil Racovita'' ) mirceaterec@yahoo.com

4.MARTON Annamaria -anV - Cluj merzedes_amika@yahoo.es

5.Pascalau Mihai -anI - Cluj mihai4pascalau@yahoo.com

6.Gheorghiu Larisa Georgiana -anII - Iasi lari_georgi11@yahoo.com

7.Alexandre Callens - coordonator la un atelier
pedagogic cu studenti la arhitectura de la Ion Mincu si cu elevii
de la Scoala Generala din cartierul Ferentari (Bucuresti) alex.callens@gmail.com

8.Radu Boieru -anV - Cluj general_scipio_2007@yahoo.com

9.Alexandra Giura -anVI - Bucuresti alexandra.giura@gmail.com

10.Corina Puiu -anVI - Bucuresti corina_puiu20@yahoo.com

11.Lavinia Gradisteanu - anII - Cluj - lavinia2050@gmail.com

12.Mircea Samoila -anVI - Bucuresti samoila.mircea@gmail.com

13.Valentin Vujdea -Bucuresti vali.vujdea@gmail.com

14.Razvan Stoian -anI - Oradea silas017@yahoo.com

15.Ghibu Iulia -an II - Cluj iuliaghibu@yahoo.com

16.Popa Sergiu -anIII - Iasi - pp_serje@yahoo.com

17.Georgiana Branea - absolventa 2008 Bucuresti - Targu Mures ge_x_gi@yahoo.com

18.Onofrei Andra Mihaela -anII - Iasi dutzyshoara@yahoo.com.

19.Ștefana Gonciar - an II - Iasi stefanago@yahoo.com

20.Denisa Tătar-anII - Cluj deni_bell@yahoo.com

21.Dan Telehoi -anIII - Bucuresti cd_telehoi@yahoo.com

22.Adelina Iernutan -anIII- Cluj iernutana@yahoo.com

23.Mariana Novosivschei -anIII - Cluj

24.Miruna Toma - absolventa Foto-VIdeo-Pci 2008 - Cluj miruna244@yahoo.com

25.Meslec Mihaela -anV - Cluj mihaelameslec@yahoo.com

26.Melania Lipan -anV- Cluj melania_lipan@yahoo.com

27.Cardos Alexandru -anV - Cluj

28.Marcu Dan -anV - Cluj

29.Ilyes Zsuzsa -an III - Cluj zsuzs77@yahoo.com

30.Márta Vásárhelyi -an III - Cluj marta@vasarhelyi.eu